Sunday 1 August 2010

Reminding me of ....

I know it's the middle of winter here, but this weekend has been more like winter in the North of England than in Sub-Saharan Africa - it's been cold and very wet.  I seem to be coming down with a cold, with sneezing, sniffles and general malaise, so I stayed in the house at the weekend to do a bit of work and watch the cricket and GP, whilst trying to stay warm.

Peter and Natasa went off for a trip down to Mulanje on Saturday, but when they got back they said that the cloud cover was too low to allow them to see the beautiful views out over the valley.

On Sunday we went to view the new house that will be home to the UK consultants from the end of August.

Located in an area known as the Catholic Institute, it's a very large property on three floors, and lots of room.  The layout of the house is "different" - unlike anything I've seen before.  The house has floor tiles throughout, so with no furniture in it, it was like walking through an echo chamber.  But the landlord will be furnishing it over the next couple of weeks, so I'm looking forward to seeing (and hearing) the difference.

Kitchen #1
There are two full-sized kitchens in totally different styles directly adjacent to each other.

There is one bedroom that looks as if someone thought it would be a good idea to put a circular bed onto the deck of the Starship Enterprise (see picture), and a host of other "unique" features.

Peter has designated this the Guest Room!
The location is OK.  It's not as nice as where we are in Sunnyside, but then again, it's not every house in Blantyre that overlooks the golf course and is a 5 min walk to the city centre, so it isn't fair to judge on that basis.  The consolation is that the new house is a mere stone's throw from Mustang Sally's!

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